Irene Fornasa

Irene Irenerì Fornasa born in 1969, double bass player, singer and student of Latin / American percussion was born in Trento and began studying music at the age of 4. The first love was born for the piano which he studied for 5 years at the Conservatory of Trento.
Irene then discovers his great love for the double bass and thus deepens his study at the Conservatories of Trento, Venice and Rovigo, where he brilliantly concludes the Academic path under the wise guidance of Mo Ubaldo Fioravanti.
Eclectic and versatile musician, she studies winning scholarships in Italy and abroad: I sing opera first and then devote himself to jazz with Lilian Terry, Bob Stoloff, Carla Marcotulli and plays, studies and teaches various styles ranging from jazz (Umbria Jazz Clinics, Siena Jazz with Furio di Castri and Paolo Fresu) to Brazilian popular music (Toninho Horta , Gilson Silveira, Duo Taufic) Argentine tangos, ethnic and folk music, polyphonic choir and chamber choral ensembles.
She performs in Italy and abroad collaborating with internationally renowned artists with various formations and with stable orchestras Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano).
She moved to Turin in 2012 where he teaches and performs in classical music concerts collaborating with RAI and Teatro Regio musicians. He plays and sings in jazz and Brazilian music ensembles.